About Us
Creative Solutions
American Clean Energy Solutions Inc. (“ACES”) is a private, RENEWABLE ENERGY integrator company engaged in the WASTE TO ENERGY ("WTE"), solar farm park, and water business. “ACES” expertise is based upon its unique access to a portfolio of opportunities in these specific niches. Projects that engineer, procure, construct, develop, source, transport, store, finance and supply clean energy projects and water needed by worldwide communities and industries.
Our mission is to assist immediately for the next generations to inherit beautiful green earth and enjoy safe, comfortable lifestyles. “ACES” is addressing the issues of energy and environmental protection on a global scale. To create better tomorrow, the technologies employed extend from developing new sources of energy to building a variety of environmental systems.
“ACES” also promotes sound methods in the making of each of our projects to reduce the municipal solid waste ("MSW") and other environmental burdens. We will never rest from further improving and embracing an array of technologies to secure the future of our beautiful globe.